
What survivors of Alaska Airlines flight 1282 have in common with my fear of the dentist...

Jan 21, 2024

What the survivors of Alaska Airlines flight 1282 have in common with my fear of the dentist...

BY CELINA H. - Jan 2024


After a bit of a rocky end to 2023, with two consecutive tooth infections with painful swelling on alternating sides of my mouth, I started this year in the best possible way. 

I was fortunate to get an early morning session on New Year’s Day wth Conroy Browne for a specialized transformation I’d been hearing a lot about called “The Neutralizer”.


I wanted to help get the word out, to enable Conroy to help more people benefit from this  deep and lasting yet incredibly rapid transformation, where the emotional charge or trauma of a damaging memory or event is brought down from a 9 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10, down to a  “neutral” 5, and often much lower. 


I had heard and read the glowing testimonials about it, and I’d seen Conroy buoyant and triumphant  after one of these Neutralizer sessions. 

I knew it was something a lot of people desperately needed, as far too many of us are held back in different areas of life by the pain of a certain memory that has done lasting damage. Many of us have done a lot of work and tried different remedies but are still stuck.


And I knew it worked! The evidence was all around that it was reliable, it was quick, and it had lasting effect. 

But I just couldn’t seem to figure out the right messaging, and I wasn’t sure why.


And then I experienced it for myself.


I had developed a paralyzing fear of the dentist that kept me from going for regular maintenance for far too long. Problems multiplied and I got to the point where my health was threatened. 

It wasn’t a phobia, I don’t believe. While the fear was “debilitating and overwhelming”, which is part of the definition,  it wasn’t “abnormal or irrational”. It was based on 2 indescribably painful actual experiences I had endured in a dentist’s chair, several years apart. 


For my Neutralizer session with Conroy I chose to start with the more recent and more vivid of the 2 memories, when a dental student jammed a needle directly into a severely infected root and caused the most severe pain I’ve ever felt.  I understood that an additional session might be needed as well to neutralize the earlier memory, but as it turned out that wasn’t necessary. 


Once the session started, while reassured by Conroy’s incredibly soothing voice and manner, it still took me a little while to really access and embody the memory. The moment I did was clear-I started full-on crying, and could barely squeak out my answers to a series of questions in a tiny little voice. I was back there. Unbearable. Powerless, terrified. TRAUMATIZED!


That’s where we started. 

The session took just under an hour, and by the end of it I was somewhere completely different. Maybe even someONE completely different!

I had a huge opportunity to put this all to a huge test the very next day at a long-postponed and deeply dreaded dentist appointment. A reckoning. 

I was only able to make and keep the appointment in the first place because I had the Neutralizer scheduled for the previous day.

I showed up at the office, filled out paperwork, waited for ages. I felt normal, no specific fear or dread.

So far, so good. But i'm not IN the chair yet, lying back, where it all happened…


I’m in the dentist’s chair, sitting quietly with no book to read, no music to listen to, no phone.

I’m calm. I’m actually calm!

I’m nervous, regular old dentist’s nerves that anyone feels most of the time.

But sitting in this chair before yesterday would have triggered tears, terror, absolute misery.

I reach for the feeling that was there before, the sheer panic and anguished memory of excruciating pain, that had me immediately openly sobbing in the session as soon as we fully accessed that memory, and it’s 




I get through the entire appointment without feeling triggered, just like anybody else would.

Pretty damn close to a miracle.

Afterwards, I try again to access the memory, to double check and see how I feel. 

Is this too good to be true?.

Not only are the terror and the trauma no longer there, but in their place I’m actually feeling strong, empowered, positive. I feel uplifted, optimistic about my future and my direction.


Much more than neutrality was achieved! A severely painful memory of severe pain was actually REPLACED by a very strong, powerfully positive feeling. Over-written, is what it feels like.


This is incredible! So many people badly need this work.

Pretty much everyone i know has sticking points, places where they are so stuck as to be incapable of achieving what they went in certain areas of their lives.

These can often be traced back to an event-a memory, a death, it could even be an overheard comversation that planted the seeds of fear or self-doubt or a severely limiting belief or a completely erroneous self-image.  As we try to protect ourselves from the fallout we end up creating more and different problems, limitations, walls meant to keep us safe that end up choking us.


I’m not a trained expert, that would be Mr. Conroy Browne, and others more learned than me. But from what I understand these things are all subjective, and all relative. The word “trauma” gets tossed around a lot, and is probably often overused or misused. But words catch on and start to trend in society for a reason. The word trauma captures a very familiar concept  When we use it-even incorrectly-it does convey how much pain we are in in the present from an event in the past.


Less than a week after that dentist appointment, Alaska Airlines flight 1282 lost a door plug and suffered massive and violent depressurization just outside of Portland. I imagine every single passenger and crew member aboard must have felt overwhelming terror unlike anything most of us have ever experienced. A truly, deeply traumatic event. 


Following the news from the safety of my couch, I listened to the interviews with the survivors and heard the story of the teen whose shirt was ripped clean off of his body, and thought about what it must have been like to live through that. And then, in all likelihood, to have to go on to board another plane at some point in the future. How do you get past something like that? How does that fear not get in your way and keep you grounded?


I sincerely wish that everyone on that plane could have the trauma of that incident eased, healed, and majorly nullified by this Neutralizer phenomenon. I wish everyone that is dragged down by an event in their past could experience this transformation. It works!


I am so incredibly grateful to Conroy for this gift. I get to regain my peace of mind and my vibrant health and my dazzling smile, and step into a completely different future. 


I hope to be part of bringing this help to more who need it.

I was so blown away by what I experienced and so excited for others who might greatly benefit from the Neutralizer that I asked Conroy if I could post this guest blog on his website. 


Thanks for listening!

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